Looking for a new equity opportunity?
Fidelity Global Equity+ Fund offers a diversified equity strategy that is designed to mitigate downside risk and reduce overall volatility.
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Fidelity Global Equity+ suite expands: Balanced Fund and Active ETF Series added.
Available as Active ETFs

Looking for some positive news?
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Looking for some positive news?
(SUPER: Posi+ive news)
Introducing Fidelity Global Equity Plus Fund.
(SUPER: Fidelity Global Equity+ Fund)
Three different but complementary investment styles.
(SUPER: 3 different investment styles)
Three of Fidelity’s equity strategies.
(SUPER: 3 equity strategies)
All in one fund.
(SUPER: 1 fund)
But wait, it gets better.
(SUPER: It gets better)
The Fund will also have access to liquid alternatives.
(SUPER: Access to liquid alts.)
That’s four ways to diversify your portfolio.
(SUPER: 4 ways to diversify)
As you can see, we’ve called it “plus” for a reason.
(VISUAL: multiple + signs)
Active managers Dan Dupont, Hugo Lavallée and Mark Schmehl bring years of industry experience to the table.
(VISUAL: 3 managers - Dan Dupont, Hugo Lavallée and Mark Schmehl)
(SUPER: Exposure to value, contrarian and growth investment approaches.)
(VISUAL: Rotating globe)
Fidelity Global Equity Plus Fund.
(SUPER: Fidelity Global Equity+ Fund)
Greater portfolio diversification
(SUPER: Diversification)
The potential to reduce overall volatility
(SUPER: Potential to reduce volatility)
Access to liquid alternatives in a traditional mutual fund
(SUPER: Access to liquid alts.)
Sound interesting?
(SUPER: Sound interesting?)
Talk to your advisor about Fidelity Global Equity Plus Fund.
(SUPER: Fidelity Global Equity+ Fund )
(SUPER: Also available as a balanced fund and with ETF series )
Fidelity Global Equity+ Fund
Fidelity Global Equity+ Fund – ETF Series
Fidelity Global Equity+ Balanced Fund
Fidelity Global Equity+ Balanced Fund – ETF Series
Fidelity logo build / end mnemonic
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses may be associated with investments in mutual funds and ETFs. Please read the mutual fund’s or ETF’s prospectus, which contains detailed investment information, before investing. Mutual funds and ETFs are not guaranteed. Their values change frequently, and investors may experience a gain or a loss. Past performance may not be repeated.
Unlike traditional mutual fund series, exchange-traded series (ETF series) are traded on stock exchanges. In the event of a disruption or a halt in trading of the ETF series on a stock exchange or marketplace on which the ETF series of a fund are traded, the trading price of the ETF series may be affected. As a result, the disruption or halting of such trading may cause a performance variance between the ETF series and the traditional mutual fund series because the ETF series may trade in the market at a premium or discount to the net asset value (NAV) per unit. There can be no assurance that the ETF series trading price will behave similar to the NAV per unit. The trading price of the ETF series will fluctuate in accordance with changes in a fund’s NAV, as well as market supply and demand on the exchange or marketplace on which the ETF series are traded. As such, the performance between the ETF series and the traditional mutual fund series of a fund may vary. In addition, there are other factors that could lead to performance variances between the ETF series and the traditional mutual fund series, such as, for example, brokerage commissions and HST.
The Funds can invest in underlying funds that are alternative mutual funds. Alternative mutual funds have the ability to invest in asset classes or use investment strategies that are not permitted for conventional mutual funds. The specific strategies that differentiate these underlying funds from conventional mutual funds may include the increased use of derivatives for hedging and non-hedging purposes, the increased ability to sell securities short and the ability to borrow cash to use for investment purposes. If undertaken, these strategies will be used in accordance with the underlying funds’ objectives and strategies, and during certain market conditions, may accelerate the pace at which the underlying funds decrease in value.
The statements contained herein are based on information believed to be reliable and are provided for information purposes only. Where such information is based in whole or in part on information provided by third parties, we cannot guarantee that it is accurate, complete or current at all times. It does not provide investment, tax or legal advice, and is not an offer or solicitation to buy. Graphs and charts are used for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect future values or returns on investment of any fund or portfolio. Particular investment strategies should be evaluated according to an investor’s investment objectives and tolerance for risk. Fidelity Investments Canada ULC and its affiliates and related entities are not liable for any errors or omissions in the information or for any loss or damage suffered.
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