• NAV $25.08 06-Feb-2025
  • $0.00 / 0.00% Daily NAV change
  • MARKET PRICE 06-Feb-2025
  • $25.13   
  • Inception 24-Jan-2025
  • Aggregate assets
    (all series)
  • Units outstanding 7,665,000
  • Management fee 0.55%
  • Investment program DRIP
  • Distributions Monthly
  • Benchmark Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index - Hedged CAD
  • Exchange Toronto Stock Exchange
  • CUSIP 315944108
  • Also available through: ETF Series US$, Trust US$ and Trust CDN$
  • Get ETF Facts

In accordance with National Instrument 81-102, performance cannot be shown until one year after a fund's inception.

Start NAV



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Why invest in this ETF?

  • Systematically invests across an expansive set of fixed income asset classes.
  • Seeks to generate a high-yield like income with the potential for capital gains.
  • Uses a multi-layered approach which aims to minimize volatility, drawdowns and credit risk.
  • Quantitative portfolio construction with rigorous testing and optimization.

Calendar returns

In accordance with National Instrument 81-102, performance cannot be shown until one year after a fund's inception.

Standard period returns

In accordance with National Instrument 81-102, performance cannot be shown until one year after a fund's inception.

Risk measures

Risk measures cannot be calculated on funds that are less than three years old. This fund does not yet meet the required criteria.

Risk classification

  1. Low
  2. Low to medium
  3. Medium
  4. Medium to high
  5. High

This fund has a low volatility rating